Logo Download Page

Watkins Official Logo for Consultants to Use

Watkins Logo

The logo above is the only Watkins logo that the company allows Consultants to use, because it identifies you as being a member of the Watkins "Home Business Opportunity." Consultants are prohibited from using the Watkins logo without the words "Home Business Opportunity" under it. See detailed instructions further down this page. We recommend using the larger size if possible for better clarity.

Right-click below to download the file in:

Important Note: When you use the Watkins logo, Watkins requires there to be a "clear zone" around the logo, so that other graphic elements do not intrude too close to it. The clear zone around the entire logo must be one-third the height of the logo, as shown in the example below. But, in the downloadable .jpg graphics files above, we've already included white space around the logo for the "clear zone" as part of the graphic files, so you don't have to measure things yourself.

Logo example showing Clear Zone

Download Instructions

You need to download the graphic file to your computer, and then insert the graphic into the item you are creating.

In most cases, you should not use the commonly-known method of right-clicking on the picture to save it to your computer, because doing so will only save the low-resolution version of the logo that is only appropriate for use on web pages.

What you should do to download the higher-quality version of a logo is:

  1. Right-click the link for the logo you want. A pop-up menu displays.
  2. Click Save Target As or Save Link As. A folder selection box displays.
  3. Select the directory where you want to save the files.
  4. Check the name of the file to make sure the file extension (.jpg) is at the end of it.
  5. Click Save. The file is saved onto your hard drive in the folder you selected.

After saving the graphic file to your hard drive, use the typical command for inserting a graphic into a document you are creating. Most software has a menu choice such as "Insert: Picture: From File."

Using a Commercial Printer

You can have a commerical printing service create business cards or other materials for you. You can get them a copy of the graphic file for the logo you want to use. You can use any of these methods to give them the graphic file for the logo:

  • Download the file to your computer, and then attach it to an e-mail that you send to them.
  • Download the file to your computer, and then copy it to a thumb drive or CD that you take to them.
  • E-mail your commercial printer the following web address, which will bring them directly to this web page:
    They will not need your password to get to this page.


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 TimelessIntegrity.com is recognized by the Watkins Company as the official training and support site for all Independent Watkins Consultants. This site is created and maintained by the Independent Watkins Consultants who are part of the field leadership team. The statements made and opinions expressed on this site are from these leaders and have not been specifically reviewed by the Watkins Company. (For administrators: cmN htmN ceN hteN)